Friday, November 6, 2009


So today I wrote a poem (I have written four within the pass month) celebrating my identity and the woman I am becoming in Christ! I stand proud in telling you who I really am....

I am me

You may see a huge smile place on my pretty caramel face
Don’t be fooled...
Do you really know me?
Conversations with me
A hug
A kiss on the cheek
But you have yet to discover who I be
Nor are you close to finding the treasure that is within me

My swagger gives voice to my long awaited confidence
Those four inch heels validate the woman I have become
Every color that I wear paints an image of the little girl who cries no more
My short cut
My colored lips
My fitted jeans
Letting you know that I am content with the way I am packaged

To some I unlock my emotions
I speak the language of my heart
Pieces of my heart
My hurt
My pain
My struggles
My joy
My accomplishments
The girl I use to be
The lady I am
The woman I am becoming
Yes, it’s all about me, I am ME

I am Linda Raoul, Ms.Diva, Ms. Pretty
I am your Lin-Lin, your dada, your dadou, your lynnie pooh
I am a child of God, the lover of my God, his Beloved
A sister, a daughter, a god-mother, a cousin
I am your friend
A servant
A leader
A social worker
I want more
I have big dreams
I will be someone's wife
I will be a mother
I will be a minister of his word
NEVER settling for less
I was made to have to have his best
My roles, my accomplishments doesn’t define me
Just some accessories to my being
I must say that I wear them well
I define them

I am Me

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.—Ps 139:14


  1. I LOVE IT && I LOVE YOU Linny
    its a really strong poem and it does justice to your character as much as possible for words

  2. Wow! You have let out the powerful woman, the powerful woman of God within. May your soul grow more beautiful, and your spirit stronger in the Lord!
    Thanks for the invite! I will be sure to visit often.

    God bless!
