Saturday, November 7, 2009

That Secret Place

Lately,there has been an urge, a desrie to go to that secret place in God. Too often we say "take me to that place", "take me beyond the inner courts", "I want to go from Glory to Glory God", "the holy of the holies" not truly knowing what it means or not even giving importance to what we are saying at that time. I have been in my walk for about 3 years now and I am trying to discover that place. I do belive there is more that I have not experienced with God yet, so I am trying to get to that place. A place where it is just me and God, dancing,singing love songs,walking, our hands locked in becoming one while talking in a language that only we can understand. I am certain that I will get there and when I get there I will be lost in Him. To me a secret place is somewhere where I am safe, where I dont have to worry about what is going on in the natural, somewhere that I can run to when I am looking for comfort, when I need to be loved and after finding that place I know that I wont be the same. I dont even know what will take place but I know it will be a good experience. Im ready to let my gaurd down, totally releasing everything to Him. I believe that place can be found and I am not resting until I get there!
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" Psalms 91:1
His words let me know if I draw near him, He will draw near me and if I seek Him with all my heart....HE WILL BE FOUND. So there is no question that he will come when I call on Him. In the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping, I can wake up and and He will be right there waiting to have a conversation with me! Isnt that AWESOME! I believe that this is the season that God is really calling us to draw closer to Him, to get to know Him more and to really seek him with everthing that we are. Right NOW, NOTHING ELSE MATTER, NO ONE ESLE MATTER! Everything in this natural word is temporary!When we look around so many things are going on, people dying from left to right, people losing their jobs, fathers being intimate with their daughters, family units being broken, My God the violence, losing our kids to gangs and drugs and the list goes on...WE need to find and hold on to someone that will not change! For those who are looking to find that person, he can be found in constant communication with Him. I encourage you to start your day with him and spend more time getting to know Him every moment of the day.he should be your spiritual breakfast in the morning. Sometimes when you dont eat, you cant function. As Christians, we need to have our spiritual breakfast before we leave the house...if your spirit is weak..dont leave the house without having breakfast, FED YOUR SPIRIT(meditating on the word of God).

"The way you spend the 1st minute of the day conditions the rest of your day!" Rev. Gregory Toussaint


  1. In order for us to get to that secret place, we need to focus on God and only on Him. Many times the enemy send distractions such as friends and families to deter us from reaching to that secret place. To hinder us from getting to that place, the devil also put doubt in our hearts due to our past and present situations "Does God really want me to experience that intimate relationship?". As Christians we need to remember that we serve the Most High God and He desires for us to get to know Him more and more each day.
    The last thing the devil wants for us is to experience a close relationship with God. The devil knows when we get to that secret place, there is no turning back.

    cassandre n.

  2. I love Psalm 91, and it's first verse has always captured my imagination. Going into the secret place of the Almighty... awesome! Great post.

  3. WoW Powerful!
